Näää, nicht meine, wäre ja noch schöner.
Nach dem fast schon unerträglichen Gehype der letzten Wochen, ist nun die erste , ziemlich positive, Kritik gekommen. Und er scheint ganz genau die hohen Erwartungen einzuhalten, die man eben erwartete.
Spoilerfreier Abschnitt:
Heath Ledgers performance of the joker is truly one for the books. A man of no remorse or morals who simply wants to see things burn. There is no back story or establishing the character. He is fully formed. [...] The Joker is almost more of a terrorist than criminal. He is not motivated by money. He wants to see people suffer. Its a damn shame that this was
Heath Ledger's final major performance as it shows a whole different side to him as a performer and I now know that he was endlessly talented. [...] Best supporting Oscar anyone?
The film feels more like a crime drama in a grand city scape than a typical comic book movie. It feels like Heat except Batman is Al Pacino and The Joker is Robert De Niro and just like in that film we have a great scene between Heath Ledger and Christian Bale across a table. There is also an element of a Greek Tragedy. There is a vast sense of morality at play within the film.
The run time is two and a half hours. It doesn't feel that long as there is so much going on within the film. Ive always felt Christopher Nolan was able to handle pacing unlike many movies that are over two hours these days. This is also his first entirely linear film and he proves himself to be a gifted storyteller and a master of utilising film as a visual medium. He fills each frame with so much scope and detail. You can tell he is enjoying himself with the amount of money he is being allowed to play with and wants to better himself and the franchise.
Although this movie doesn't feel like an instalment in a franchise.
The best thing I can think of for comparison is The Godfather Part 2.
Quelle: http://sirdonnerboldsbagatellen.blogspot.com/
Die gesamte Kritik kann man bei AICN (http://www.aintitcool.com/node/37214) nachlesen.
Auch hier werde ich selbstverständlich im Kino sitzen!
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