Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008

Wall-E soll den Oscar für den besten Film gewinnen...

...das meint zumindest folgende Review:

Let's get the insane, over-the-top hyperbole out of the way early - I love Wall-E. I adore the character and the film that tells his story. Over the course of our lives there are a few times when you leave a theater with the absolute, unshakable confidence that you will not only see the movie you just watched again but repeatedly and until the day you die. It's the way we all felt upon leaving Star Wars, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, etc. There are movies that simply become a part of your life. Wall-E is a movie like that for me.
Wall-E is not only the best movie of the year by galaxy-sized leaps and bounds, it's one of my favorite movies in a long, long time.
While other studios are shooting animated fish in a barrel by keeping things simple, writer/director Andrew Stanton has made the most ambitious film of the year. It's a science fiction film with a lead character who doesn't speak at all. But Wall-E is just proof that the old line that "The larger the risk, the larger the reward" couldn't be more true. And I haven't even touched on the fact that Wall-E couldn't be a more beautiful film to look at. This is as large a leap forward in filmmaking as when we first saw Woody and Buzz in Toy Story. Wall-E has an Oscar-worthy screenplay but is so stunning visually that it would work even it was a completely silent film. A Best Cinematography nomination isn't out of the question. Honestly, neither is a Best Picture nomination. Wall-E is certainly that good. But will audiences embrace it? Will they take a chance on a non-speaking robot? God, I hope so.

Da gibt es eigentlich kaum noch was zu sagen außer:

HALLO, wie grandios und absolut perfekt
muss Wall-E eigentlich sein???

Ich lasse mich erstmal überraschen, dann kann ich vielleicht verstehen was den besonderen Reiz an Wall-E ausmacht und mein Highlight Findet Nemo übertreffen kann. ICH ZÄHLE DIE STUNDEN!!!!

Deutscher Kinostart ist übrigens der 25. September 2008

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