Der ehemalige Regisseur Glen Keane, der nun leider "nur noch" als Animation Director beteiligt ist, wollte in Rapunzel die perfekte Mischung aus Zeichentrick und CG erreichen. Deshalb galt es für die Animatoren: Lernen, lernen, lernen. Und obwohl die Produktion schon angefangen hat, heißt es das, mehr oder weniger, immer noch, wie der Animation Guild Blog verriet:
Glen told us traditional animators are teaming with c.g. animators to bring a more "hand-drawn" sensibility to the c.g. characters in Rapunzel, with more stylization and counter-weight in the animation, melding computer graphics with the rhythms and tempo of traditional Disney animated features. He related how the characters' skin will have a softer look. (There is also the animation dynamics of Rapunzel's seventy feet of hair. Animationg that
The way Glen described the process, it's going to make Rapunzel a c.g. feature to put on your "to see" list. The film is now going into serious production, so we'll be able to watch the results of the artists' and technicians' labors in (relatively) short order.
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