Disney Chairman Dick Cook tat sich begeistert:
“It’s a great honor for The Walt Disney Studios, and our incredibly talented cast members at Pixar Animation Studios, to have ‘UP’ selected as the first animated feature to ever open the Cannes Film Festival. Adding to this historic milestone, ‘UP’ is also the first digital 3D film, and the first Disney film selected for the coveted opening night slot at Cannes. We are so proud of this terrific movie, and can’t wait to share it with the filmmaking community and festival-goers on Wednesday, May 13, and the rest of the world starting on May 29th.”Auch Creative-Director, Pxarmitgründer und Toy Story-Regisseur John Lasseter ist erfreut:
“We are absolutely thrilled that the Cannes Film Festival has chosen ‘UP’ to be its prestigious opening night offering. This is a huge step for animation, and further supports our belief that a great animated film is simply a great film. Pete Docter, the director of ‘UP,’ and the amazing team of artists, animators, technicians, and storytellers at Pixar have worked so hard to create a great motion picture that is impressively fresh, funny, and powerfully emotional.”Erst die Italiener, jetzt die Franzosen: Endlich wird der animierte Film immer mehr als "normal" angesehen. Auch wenn das die Oscar-Jury nicht unbedingt verstehen will. Gleichzeitig macht Pixar einen weiteren Schritt in die richtige Richtung von der andere Animationstudios wie Dreamworks oder Sony noch meilenweit entfernt sind.
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